Medical Weight Management

The Face Clinic Edinburgh is proud to be one of Scotland’s only private clinics offering medical led pharmaceutical weight loss treatment. Partners of the National Medical Weight Loss Programme, our expert doctors will assess, prescribe and support you through your weight loss journey.

What makes us different?

  • Fully registered, licensed and insured Doctor led care

  • Face to face consultations and assessment

  • 24/7 direct access to medical team for support

  • Licensed and NICE approved prescription only medication that is effective in weight loss management.

  • Refrigerated medication delivered directly to your home

Patient journey and what to expect

  1. Register
    Register interest and complete online consultation form.

  2. Consultation
    One of our doctors will contact you within 24 hours to arrange an appointment time that suits you for your face to face consultation.

    During this face to face consultation your doctor will undertake an examination and medical history to determine if you are suitable for these prescription only medications.

    After careful discussions between you and your doctor, if these treatments are suitable for you, you can expect to start the medication on your first visit. If appropriate, you will leave the consultation with the medication, starter pack and access to our help line.

  3. Follow up
    Our team are in this journey with you and will be in touch intensely after starting any treatment. During these virtual follow up appointments you will be counselled and supported through treatment goals, dose adjustments and side effect control. Each follow up plan is tailored to each patient but below is the minimum schedule of how often you can expect to be in contact with us.

    Example follow up plan after commencing treatment:
    Day 2
    Week 1
    Week 2
    Week 3
    Week 4
    Month 2
    Monthly thereafter

    During these consultations your doctor will support you in the pharmaceutical aspect of your weight loss journey and also critically the nutritional and psychological aspects. The prescription only medication is delivered refrigerated directly to your home by a pharmacy.


£50 initial doctor consultation.

How semaglutides work

The mechanism of semaglutides

Semaglutides are a synthetic version of a naturally occurring hormone in our bodies. They works by stimulating the GLP-1 receptor in the brain, which helps regulate appetite and food intake.

Semaglutides registered in the UK include Saxenda and Wegovy.

When administered to the bloodstream, semaglutide triggers the GLP-1 receptor and activates specific regions in the brain responsible for appetite control. By doing so, they promotes a feeling of fullness and decreases cravings, ultimately leading to a reduction in food consumption.

The Benefits of Wegovy

The introduction of Wegovy has been a game-changer for individuals struggling with weight management. The benefits it offers include:

1. Significant Weight Loss: Clinical trials have demonstrated impressive results, with individuals experiencing greater weight loss when compared to other weight loss medications or lifestyle interventions alone. On average, patients using Wegovy achieved between 12% to 15% weight loss over a sustained period.

2. Improved Health Markers: In addition to weight loss, Wegovy has shown positive effects on various health markers. It can help lower blood pressure, improve blood sugar control, reduce cholesterol levels, and decrease the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and certain obesity-related complications.

3. Long-term Sustainability: Unlike many weight loss methods that often lead to weight regain, Wegovy offers long-lasting results. By regulating appetite and food intake, this medication helps individuals maintain their weight loss, giving them a better chance of achieving sustainable lifestyle changes.

4. Convenience: Wegovy is administered once a week via a subcutaneous injection. Conveniently, patients can administer the medication themselves in the comfort of their own homes. This accessibility makes Wegovy an attractive weight loss option for many.

5. Personalized Support: At The Face Clinic Edinburgh, we understand that individual journeys towards weight loss vary. Our experienced healthcare providers work closely with patients, designing personalized treatment plans that incorporate semaglutides as part of a holistic approach to weight management. We provide ongoing support, monitoring progress, and addressing any concerns that may arise.